Celebrating 70 Years of Soaring September 10/11, 2022 The Mohawk Soaring Club celebrated its 70th anniversary with a fly-in/tow-in event on September 10 & 11, 2022. We thank all of the glider clubs in our area who soared with us here at our club location at Harriman and West airport (AQW) in North Adams, Massachusetts. The airport is nestled just north of Mt. Greylock and east of the Taconic Range. With favorable westerly winds, the location provides fantastic ridge lift conditions as well as thermals in the adjacent valleys and fields. To celebrate our 70th we assembled a large fleet of gliders and additional tow planes for the day to allow as many gliders as possible access to tows. We want to continue to promote the joy of soaring by inviting the public and introducing them to wonders of sailplanes through educational activities. We’re hoping in the future that pilots in your club will fly-in/tow-in and join us! Facebook logo design by Keith Bona